lundi 30 novembre 2009

Shame ofn BBC

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MY heart went out to the Ethiopians in 1984 and it goes out to them now. The BBC may have done Ethiopia a great service before but just as Ethopia has changed since then, so has the BBC. Hands up who would be happy for the BBC's licence fee to go solely to Ethiopia for one year and the following year be cancelled altogther. It would take me all day to detail why I loathe the BBC, as do huge numbers of other British people. Will no politician rid us of this parasitical politicised media machine?

Posted by Jerome Peter at 11:13am on November 24, 2009

I think the BBC does an excellent job in serving the interests of the ruling elite, crooked bankers and the cartels that ensure that the Ethiopian and other Third World countries do not get a fair price for their products. Ooops I left out the slimy politicians that the BBC panders to.

Posted by Deloki at 3:34pm on November 24, 2009

Yes, let's get rid of the BBC, one of the few things for which the rest of the world still admires Britain. A source of independent news (mostly) free of government influence and totally free of the kind of corporate interference that comes when a media organisation has to pander to its advertisers. The fact that its news operations are feared and hated by Tories and Labour politicians alike suggests to me it is doing something right, even if it does devote a little too much of the licence fee to talent competitions and reality shows.

Posted by Holly Cox at 4:37pm on November 24, 2009

Tour organization should unravel the link between NGOs and western media outlets. NGOs hire fly-by journalists to exaggerate the drought situation in Ethiopia to collect money from governments and gullible individuals. Charities use the same emaciated and fly ridden children as advertisement every year for financial gains. As you know much of the money these NGOs collect is spent on overhead cost. Little if any goes to the needy. It is a lucrative business venture that no one seems to challenge.

Posted by Ezra at 5:42pm on November 24, 2009

As long as Ethiopia is lending its military goons to the U.S.-empire to help de-stabilize neighbouring countries (Somalia, anyone?), just because the U.S. does not like their government, that long I can't find any empathy for the [albeit innocent] people there [the Somali-people were equally innocent, upon Ethiopian invasion, tearing their country apart once again]. Let's face it: the Ethiopian government is corrupt to the core as well as rascist, and as long as it is in power, no foreign aid should even get near that snake-pit. Handwringing does not help! Look, what the U.S. and the U.K. did to Iraq -- they jointly managed to effectively destroy a nation with the longest history in modern humanity. Their uniformed thugs even stole priceless artifacts from Iraqi national museums -- Ethiopia well joined that international mafia ... and we in Europe should help them to survive? I can't wait to see the U.S. go under, certainly I will not bend a finger to help her vassals one bit!

Posted by Michael Reinelt at 11:14pm on November 24, 2009

BBC's doom laden coverage? Anyone ever wonder what happens to the million upon millions of pounds that has been going into Africa for *decades* as aid to nations? There's still million upon millions going in there; there's still babies with bulging guts due to malnutrition, pestilence and whatever has gone before. So exactly where has the money gone?

Posted by Paul Beaumont at 10:37am on November 25, 2009

Ethiopia had plenty of money for guns, even while its children were starving and Geldof was making his publicity bid for sainthood. Since western money bailed the country out, they waged war against Eritrea for years as well as Somalia. And now 'tour operators' protest that images that were used to bring in millions are 'so out of date'. Well tough, let's have less hypocrisy. As for the anti-BBC Murdoch clones seizing the opportunity yet again to whine about the BBC, go away - you aren't British, I can recognise the American neo-con voice anywhere. You know nothing about the BBC, you should stick with Fox for your biased right-wing brainwashing and leave a real newsgathering organisation the British are rightly proud of alone.

Posted by Peter Simmons at 11:01am on November 25, 2009

Sir, I am writing in support of the author of this article on the image damage the western media creates on my country because it is poor and cannot challenge them. I was a small boy when the terrible famine happened and witnessed the tragedy for myself. There was no doubt the response from the generous people in the west has saved millions of lives and everyone in my country is grateful. Since then the country has moved on and people like myself not only survived but also got the chance to succeed in life. unfortunately some people have made a career out of the tragedy and continue to do so. The damage they continue to inflict is far more greater than the penny they drop. The BBC as a public funded news outlet would be expected to be more responsible in its coverage and the damage it put on countries like mine. If the West cannot be a true partner to tackle the deep rooted poverty in Ethiopia, do us a favour do not damage our image and make our way from poverty even harder!!!! It doesnot require any analysis to understand the attacks are as a result of taming with China, the truth is countries like the UK had the chance to work as partners in trade and investment which is much more effective solution to tackle poverty than the aide claimed to have been "poured" to help the poor people, now the coverage of "famine" is a direct attack on the impressive development my country has achieved in the last five years. Rather than helping the people it is scaring off people who can invest in the country. please, don't kill the hope of millions of Ethiopians by over and over emphasising on the "famine" rather than the impressive fight pople are engaged to get out of poverty. If you cannot help, please, leave us to deal our problems our way!!!!!!!!

Posted by Zelalem at 3:55pm on November 25, 2009

Hi, How are you there? I think it is shame for BBC to report like that. We need the new mind. Ethiopians are not stons to remain unchanged. Even stone become soil after sometimes. We learn from our mistakes. The famine of 1984 is the problem of wether chanege and it is also your contribution for that. We need even ransom for that. we lost many people because of your evil did. Shame of you. How can you report like that. I am Ethiopian and i know my people. You always report only bad things about Ethiopia or Africa. We have many interesting things which you don't have and which we have. This is the country which kept its independancy for centuries. It is true you wanted to sell your report and you have done it. But it is for the managers of BBC to controll that. Shame on you!

Posted by Dan Be at 7:44am on November 26, 2009

Ethiopia is just another doomed African country - more doomed than most. Every spare cent it can lay hands on is used for wars and invading other countries - Eritrea, Somalia... Let it stew in its own juice.

Posted by at 2:59pm on November 26, 2009

What is wrong with the BBC? It has been long since they started giving negative image to our nation and people. Don't blame others, act ethically. Every body knows that we have a lot of problems, but a lot, lot has changed and peoples' lives are changing. Stop working for those who pay you to air their hidden agenda. Shame on U.

Posted by Hailish at 4:52pm on November 27, 2009

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